Planscanners från Metis

Where we come from, where we are going

In a world characterized by a growing demand for mass digitization and the production of low cost/table size scanners, we decided to differentiate and continue on our original path of uncompromising quality in order to produce scanners that represent a reference point for all digital imaging world. Moreover, in recent years the technological and qualitative gap between METIS and its competitors continued to increase thanks to our innovative technologies and the experience we gained in the decor industry field.

In particular, METIS DRS-DCS, PM3D and SURF 3D scanners can generate an incomparable image quality in terms of true optical resolution, sharpness, lack of aberrations and/or noise in the images, geometric accuracy, color fidelity and consistency of performance over the whole area of acquisition and time duration.

Furthermore, METIS scanners productivity and image quality are incomparably higher with respect to other solutions available on the market.

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Har du frågor?

Niclas Blyberg
Kontakta Niclas på telefon 08-680 15 74 eller mejla på så hjälper han dig.
Jan Olle Molander
Kontakta Jan Olle på telefon 08-680 15 72 eller mejla på så hjälper han dig.

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